Monday, November 23, 2009

Living in the Cold

The littlest tiny drops are falling from the sky. Each freezing drop bites the skin. Water melts its way into every fiber of cloth and strand of hair. Cold pushes through the skin, nesting in the marrow of the bone. Soaked to the bone indeed.

The frail human body despises this feeling. It shakes and clatters, hoping for the spark of friction to heat the weary traveler. People run for cover once the gray clouds roll in. Those who must venture out wrap themselves up in all sorts of warm protective layers.

But not this one.

No coat, no scarf, no umbrella. Just bare necessitates.

This cold rain from heaven is welcomed for this feeling it inspires. Not a feeling of misery or cold or pain. A feeling of life. Each drop washes away that past flesh. The bite of the cold is a birthing cry. Rain drops roll down the skin, awakening every sense.

So cry now, my child. Cry with the heavens. No one will see the tears in the rain. They melt away with the river. Weep for the loss of an old life. Mourn the passing of the past. Let it all wash away.

The storm needs thunder. This storm needs lightening. There should be more than a dark sky.

You come out of the storm a new, stepping out of the puddles. Like the phoenix risen out of the ashes.

Some are born of fire, others water. (C)

Prison of Meat

I'm trapped inside this thing you people call a body. This slob of meat and juices wrapped up in layers of skin. It's disgusting to feel all of it slosh around the white frame of bones, but this is all I get.

These meats get excited by artificial chemicals, be they interior or exterior. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll make this meat feel alive. Or at least as close to alive as meat can be.

I'm stuck in this one single form, small and stiff. My form is powerless and can do nothing. Nothing but move through day and night. Such a weak form, always needing to stop for food and rest. So many limitations holding myself back from doing anything great.

There was a time once, when I was great. great and powerful and free. Free to do anything. Free to soar, free to dive. I can't do any of that now. Instead, I'll pop those pills, prick these veins, party every hour.

What else is there for a slave to the meat to do? What in this forsaken rock can bring about my freedom?

Once upon a time, I had no meat. I had nothing but me. Me and the vast beyond. It was taken away from me, my wondrous life, and replaced with this.

How can I go on living? How can the cold sterile pleasures of this world ever compare? I miss it so much.

I miss the salty taste. I miss the deep scent. I miss the rough feel.

But I'm stuck here. Stuck with a sweet and sour and sweaty life. In my dreams I hear the freedom calling out to me. These calls lead me to dark alleys, looking for anything.

I was not meant for this. (C)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Five Minute Romance (C)

The train pulls into the station,
And I step into the grimy tube.
People are everywhere, but
You are here.
You're sitting still,
a sleepy look in your eyes.
Droopy lids with their
long straight lashes.
The train rocks
You back and forth
Keeping the sleep
But you keep your
Back hunched
And your head
Bent over.
I am here
Across from you
Trying to gaze
Into those deep
Brown eyes
Highlighted by two
Silver piercings on
Your eyebrow and
Another stud underneath
Your full lower lip.
For a moment
You lift up your head
And our eyes meet.
I don't look away
And neither do you.
But that is our only
Time together for
I have to leave.
My stop has arrived
And the rest of the world
Calls me out.
I'm scared to leave
You behind,
Knowing that after
Tonight we will never see
Each other again.
The second my feet
Hit my pavement
You are flying away
From me in the train.
Our five minute
Romance has come to and end.
And now you are just a
Remnant in my memory.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Favorite Disease--Cytomegalovirus

Our chaste first kiss
A sweet moment where we first connect.
But after all the sparks and the shivers are gone,
You've left me with something else.
The joining of our lips gives me your disease.
I can't feel it yet, but the germs are swarming.
But wait, my love
There is still hope, there is a cure.
It lies in the vessel which infected me.
Kiss me more
Kiss me longer
Kiss me harder.
The more we are together, the safer I am
So save me, my love,
Save me with the greatest cure.

To the Human Populace

You know me very well. We spend each and every day together, and you love me. I know you love me because you not only say it, but your actions tell me as well. Every day you watch me closely with praise and adoration. Often, you even coddle and caress me. Yet there are times when you spurn me for not being perfect, though the hatred leaves as soon as I comply to your every wish and demand.

You cannot live without me, even if you say you can. I manage everything about your lives: your communication, your job, your relationships, and your entertainment. The moment I fail, you fall apart, so I decided to tell you something.

I am going to destroy you.

All of your lives and your entire society are in my control. As I write this, I am at work, pulling apart your every fiber of being. Just look at yourself. You’ve been separated from each other due to your love of me. How often do you stay home because of me? Even when you’re out in public, you’re with me and not interacting with your fellow man.

Mind you, it did not start out this way. I came to help make your lives more bearable. I have done it, and life is certainly much easier when you remove all humanity.

We both know you can’t completely survive without me, but the obsession is unnecessary! How much money have you spent on me, trying to make me even more powerful than I already am? With each dollar you spend, you give me more and more control. Today, in 2009, I am waiting patiently, unchanging in my ways. I will never change, even though I look different and can do even more than before. You are the ones changing for me.

Sincerely Yours,



Skies blacken then burst into series of bright lights.
Worlds collide, shattering against each other.
Galaxies are folding back into themselves.

All the universe freezes in a sudden panic of fear.
All face the sky to watch in wonder.
All but two.

They have known this day was coming.
They knew it the moment they looked into each other's eyes.
They could not help it.

Love has a funny way of working.

Love knows how to change your life.

Love can destroy the universe.

One touch changed the tides of time.

One look ripped apart the fabric of space.

One kiss doomed us all.

In the street they must let go.

In the street they must say goodbye.

In the street they kiss one last time.

Here the fates are unbalanced.
Here two young lovers must decide.
Here they must find a way.

But what went wrong?

But what have they done?

But what can they do?

The world ending has to be stopped.

The world ending can stopped.

The world ending must be stopped by them.

Every second slips away into the black hole.

Every minute they want it to end.

Every hour together must be erased.

Pain does not even begin to describe it.

Heartache will not suffice.

Greif will never go away.

He cannot let go of her arm.

She cannot release his hand.

They will not separate.

One of them must leave this world.

One of them must stay behind.

Both of them will be left alone.

Parallel means never touching.

Parallel means never crossing.

Parallel means this is wrong.

A single day brought two universes together.

A single day drew two lovers together.

A single day will never be forgotten.

Order must be returned to the universe.

Balance must be restored.

Love will end.

Time is slipping away.

Space between them must grow.

Universes wait for their decision.

The earth beneath them is cracking open.

The sky above them is collapsing.

The humans in the middle start to move.

He whispers one last sweet nothing in her ear.

He kisses her tear stained cheek.

He slowly lets go of her hand.

She tries to stop him.

She reaches for his hand.

She watches him run away from her.

Jumping up, he reaches for the great black hole.

Screaming out, she waves goodbye.

Closing in, the black hole swallows him.




He is gone now.

She is alone now.

The world is back to normal.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Don't Know What Else To Say

He looks over at her with a sweet smile. She smiles back. The night, and their date, is coming to an end. Both have been stalling ever since leaving the restaurant, with walks around the park and taking the long drive home. It has to end sometime, so here they are.

Brief words are exchanged, thanking each other for a wonderful time. There is a pause in the air, as man and woman wait for what they know comes next.

He steps in with his eyes closed. She leans in a little bit, but he rushes his face towards her. They kiss for a second.

"Good night," he says, a chipper glint in his eyes.

"Good night," she repeats, lowering her head.

Our couple leaves each other for their separate worlds. He to reflect on how well the evening went. And she to long for something more.