Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The "New and Improved" Classics.
Burning Away Reality
1984 shows a world filled with so many injuries to mankind, that reality almost seems to no longer exist, and perhaps that is the case. Everyday history is being rewritten. Winston, along with many other men, spends his work hours rewriting past documents which would prove any aspect of the party incorrect or lying. Then the originals are destroyed, leaving no records behind. Any true documents have most likely vanished long ago to prepare the way for the party’s conquest. The reconstruction of history cripples society two fold. First, each time a new article is written, it falls further and further away from the truth until nothing is left behind but fabricated propaganda. Using Plato’s allegory of the cave, it is like a man turning away from the fire and then slowly pushing themselves away from the fire until everything is masked in shadow. Before the party’s reign, reality and the new ideas that create it were at least present to some individuals, but that is no more for those brave few who rebel are tortured and put through hell until they crack and submit to Big Brother. The second blow, which stems from this first dilemma, is that the possibility for any new ideas to be created is gone, which then in turns destroys the true reality. With old ideas dead and gone, new philosophers have no mentors to learn from. What would our present world be like with out Plato teaching Socrates? Even if a new idea miraculously formed, would it be real if it is not from anything truthful? But of course we must take in the fact that any ideas that go against the party of Big Brother will be put down without mercy. Imagine a man desperately trying to look at the fire, but he is beaten down by his fellow cavemen for such a drastic attempt. In this environment, the breeding ground for new ideas is an infertile as the poly-urethane kitchen table I am writing to you from. So along with all hope for the future being destroyed, reality has vanished into the darkness of the totalitarian state. I just can’t wait.
Ignorance is Strength
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Lost Has Been Found! (Written in 2008)
Lost Has Been Found!
4 8 15 16 23 42. It’s not Penny’s boat. Who is Jacob? What is the black smoke monster’s purpose? Why can Desmond see the future? Whatever happened to Walt and Michael? Will the survivors ever go home? Whose funeral did Jack attend? Why am I still watching this show?? ARGH!!!
For three compelling seasons, Lost has captivated and tortured the minds of watchers around the world, and its now back for its fourth season. On January 31, 2008 the most entrancing show will return to primetime television, but not without some changes. Due to the writer’s strike, the number of episodes will be drascitilly cut down, but the show may not experience the usual hiatus midway through the season. These factors also might explain why the airing of the first new episode was pushed back.
It was also announced that the series will end in 2011, meaning that the creators will have to start giving us answers if they want to tie up all the loose ends. For some of us that comes as sweet relief, but to others the end is coming too soon.
For those desperate and obsessive followers who cannot survive any longer without learning more, the creators of Lost have given us a few extras to make up for the shortened season and the long wait. First, the ABC website and Verizon Wireless V-Cast has a new series of short web episodes called Lost: Missing Pieces. The short episodes provide new background information on the inhabitants of the island, which supplements the further insane bonus features on all the DVD box sets.
Does anyone remember Desmond’s line about the puzzle without a picture on the box? While he was describing his ability to see the future, the marketing staff had created a series of four puzzles before that episode was aired. These thousand piece torture devices have only a teeny tiny portion of the picture to work off of. Everything else is left up to you.
The series of puzzles link up the clues about the hatch, the numbers, the others, and everyone’s lives before the crash. While most of the clues are already well known, there are a few pictures and notes that have not yet been aired.
Once you finish slaving away over the tiny pieces of cardboard, turn over the puzzle for a glow-in-the-dark replica of the map drawn on the hatch’s door. All four puzzles connect to complete the image, and you can read all the notes about the set up of the island and the other hatches, but of course, most of the writing does not make sense and only opens up more questions.
I, along with the aide of my family, have completed two of the four and begun the third. Without a doubt, it is hell, but once you finish and more of the mystery reveals itself, you sigh with relief. Though the next, day you stare at the next unfinished puzzle and wonder what you’ve you gotten yourself into.