1984 shows a world filled with so many injuries to mankind, that reality almost seems to no longer exist, and perhaps that is the case. Everyday history is being rewritten. Winston, along with many other men, spends his work hours rewriting past documents which would prove any aspect of the party incorrect or lying. Then the originals are destroyed, leaving no records behind. Any true documents have most likely vanished long ago to prepare the way for the party’s conquest. The reconstruction of history cripples society two fold. First, each time a new article is written, it falls further and further away from the truth until nothing is left behind but fabricated propaganda. Using Plato’s allegory of the cave, it is like a man turning away from the fire and then slowly pushing themselves away from the fire until everything is masked in shadow. Before the party’s reign, reality and the new ideas that create it were at least present to some individuals, but that is no more for those brave few who rebel are tortured and put through hell until they crack and submit to Big Brother. The second blow, which stems from this first dilemma, is that the possibility for any new ideas to be created is gone, which then in turns destroys the true reality. With old ideas dead and gone, new philosophers have no mentors to learn from. What would our present world be like with out Plato teaching Socrates? Even if a new idea miraculously formed, would it be real if it is not from anything truthful? But of course we must take in the fact that any ideas that go against the party of Big Brother will be put down without mercy. Imagine a man desperately trying to look at the fire, but he is beaten down by his fellow cavemen for such a drastic attempt. In this environment, the breeding ground for new ideas is an infertile as the poly-urethane kitchen table I am writing to you from. So along with all hope for the future being destroyed, reality has vanished into the darkness of the totalitarian state. I just can’t wait.
Ignorance is Strength
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
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