Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Skies blacken then burst into series of bright lights.
Worlds collide, shattering against each other.
Galaxies are folding back into themselves.

All the universe freezes in a sudden panic of fear.
All face the sky to watch in wonder.
All but two.

They have known this day was coming.
They knew it the moment they looked into each other's eyes.
They could not help it.

Love has a funny way of working.

Love knows how to change your life.

Love can destroy the universe.

One touch changed the tides of time.

One look ripped apart the fabric of space.

One kiss doomed us all.

In the street they must let go.

In the street they must say goodbye.

In the street they kiss one last time.

Here the fates are unbalanced.
Here two young lovers must decide.
Here they must find a way.

But what went wrong?

But what have they done?

But what can they do?

The world ending has to be stopped.

The world ending can stopped.

The world ending must be stopped by them.

Every second slips away into the black hole.

Every minute they want it to end.

Every hour together must be erased.

Pain does not even begin to describe it.

Heartache will not suffice.

Greif will never go away.

He cannot let go of her arm.

She cannot release his hand.

They will not separate.

One of them must leave this world.

One of them must stay behind.

Both of them will be left alone.

Parallel means never touching.

Parallel means never crossing.

Parallel means this is wrong.

A single day brought two universes together.

A single day drew two lovers together.

A single day will never be forgotten.

Order must be returned to the universe.

Balance must be restored.

Love will end.

Time is slipping away.

Space between them must grow.

Universes wait for their decision.

The earth beneath them is cracking open.

The sky above them is collapsing.

The humans in the middle start to move.

He whispers one last sweet nothing in her ear.

He kisses her tear stained cheek.

He slowly lets go of her hand.

She tries to stop him.

She reaches for his hand.

She watches him run away from her.

Jumping up, he reaches for the great black hole.

Screaming out, she waves goodbye.

Closing in, the black hole swallows him.




He is gone now.

She is alone now.

The world is back to normal.

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